I'm doing it. I've decided to take the plunge and do what most parents dread. Instead of getting a stable job after graduating from college this past May, I made the decision to move across the world to Australia for a year. You may be thinking, "What the...? What are you going to do there?!!!?" Good question.
I'm going to be a crocodile hunter, duuuhhh!! Just kidding. To make a long story short I got a 12 month working-holiday visa and am going to travel up the east coast for a few months then start working. I have this weird urge to see the world after I studied abroad and love love love learning about new cultures, meeting people from all over the world and figuring out the super confusing train stations. All the while getting to see sights I only thought I'd read about. But don't judge me too hard, I'm only going for year. That may seem like a long time, but I know it is going to fly by.
After backpacking for awhile I plan to move to a bigger city such as Melbourne or Sydney and get a job that pertains to my degree. You may think that I am crazy for having such vague plans, but one of my friends worded it quite nicely, "If I wanted to know what I was going to be doing for the next year I would still be in Kansas." True that sista. There is something thrilling about the unknown. Some people hate it, but I love it. T-2 weeks until the big departure!
So for the 5 of you who care to read about the awkward happenings of my travels in the land of Kangaroos, thanks for reading. Here goes...
Oh and P.S. Merry Christmas you filthy animals :)